ESOL English Course Overview
The Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualifications in English at Entry Levels 1, 2, and 3 are for learners to develop understanding and skills in English. The qualifications give learners the opportunity to:
- Demonstrate the ability at an appropriate level to read, write, speak, listen, and communicate in English.
- Apply this knowledge and these skills in familiar situations.
- Achieve a foundation for further study at Levels 1 and 2.
The qualifications give learners the opportunity to:
- Listen, understand and respond to verbal communication in a range of familiar contexts.
- Acquire an understanding of everyday words and their uses and effects, and apply this understanding in different contexts.
- Read with accuracy straightforward texts encountered in everyday life and work, and develop confidence to read more widely.
- Write straightforward texts and documents clearly and effectively, and demonstrate a sound grasp of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.